They are such pathetic excuses for sports, it's dazzling. Basically, what it boils down to is the reflexes and skill of the driver. But so does any other sport. So why splash inordinate amounts of cash on these expensive cars and make a sport of it?
Some of you (the bloody race-car buffs) will be reading this, thinking: 'Ah, but there is more to the sport. There are the crashes, the variations of the different vehicles, the potentially dangerous weather." Well, I tell these people to fuck off.
Every sport I can think of (except indoor sports, but there aren't many of those) involve the potential for a dangerous game brought about by the weather.
and even croquet... that's that argument for motorsports thrown out the window. And it's the same for the crashes argument. People get injured in every other sport from time to time (see above), and although it may be more of a spectacle to see a car crash, it's not as if they're trying to crash. These cars are stupidly expensive, and if you crash it, you not only blow a significant amount of good money but you also lose the race. As a result, crashes are rare, and shouldn't really be taken into account as a valid reason to watch racing cars.
And that leaves us with the final supportive argument for motor cars: 'the vehicles themselves'. Oh, I see, you car boffins consider the individual design of the cars to be an important and interesting factor in car racing, a factor that no other sport has? Well, you are all flaming idiots, because that's the essence of every bloody sport in existence.
Permit me to explain. You see a lesser-known footballer dribbling the ball towards the goal, but David Beckham is closing in from the left. Becks has a reputation, a higher set of physical statistics (no crude jokes, please) and experience, in the same way that a good car has. Some of the excitement comes from seeing if this player can outsmart the legend himself, in exactly the same way that you car boffs wait to see if anybody can beat the leading car type, be it McLaren, Ferrari, or whatever.
So surely you see my point now - motorsports are the same as any other sports. The only difference is that motorsports cost a shedload of cash to set up, and spectators re-mortgage their houses for tickets to the event, only to sit around on their arses for hours, seeing a few cars rocket by every five minutes. It's pointless crap, if you ask me.
I write this because my dear ol' papa is an avid follower of the motor racing, and he forced me to watch the WHOLE OF TODAY'S FORMULA ONE RACE with him. I nearly went insane.
Pity me.
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