Good day blog-gogglers.
Today is a momentous day indeed. For today is the launch of my latest blog.
Now, the less enlightened of you may be scratching your skulls, mumbling: 'what do you mean by latest?'.
Well, I am also doing a blog about a bit of schoolwork I am doing. Like a project diary. I customised it, and it entertains people weekly with a fine blend of funny images, subtle criticisms indirectly aimed at the school and wacky videos.
This blog will be exactly the same.
Well, not really. I wanted to do a blog where I didn't need to do an hour of classwork in order to have an excuse to create a post. A blog where my imagination could really be let loose. If you look at my attempts to restrain it in my previous blog, think about how what damage that imagination could do if released.
Millions could die!
By die, of course, I mean laugh.
So set your funny-bones to side-split, your watch to Greenwich Mean Time, and your face in plaster as we travel further than anyone has ever travelled before... into my brain!
Oh, wait. That's not that far, really. Probably a few centimetres, if you're standing next to me. Ah, and you will have to be shrunk down to smaller than a pea, won't you? So it will seem like miles! It's all relative, you see.
Some of the more astute of you may have noticed that I have a tendency to ramble. Fear not; just let the blog entries engulf you like a tidal wave of molasses, covering you in sticky goodness until you are as one with the molasses (there was actually a tidal wave of molasses in Boston, America many years ago. A factory burst, or something).
As you were.
Quote of the 'Week'
"Men will always be mad, and those who think they can cure them are the maddest of all."
Discovering that someone has commented on one of my blogs is such a joyous feeling. Hint, bloody hint!
Tuesday, 11 March 2008
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